BSL's GasMix GM Series 1
We're proud to introduce our new pre-set dual-outlet gas mixer, designed to enable users to select one of two pre-determined mixtures from a single mixing panel.

Nov 26, 2020

The Gas-Mix GMB family of gas mixers has proven to be a very popular design for several applications and has been available in two gas pre-set mixtures of all the common gas combinations.

In response to an enquiry from one of our longest-standing customers of 25 years, our engineering team have taken the standard design and made it twice as beneficial for them and you.

Added to the family is the Gas Mix GMB ‘dual’ pre-set outlet gas mixer. The dual outlet means that your customers can select one of two pre-determined mixtures to perform their application with from a single mixing panel.

BSL's GasMix GM Series 1

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– BSL Gas Technologies

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